Today is December 21st, 2016. It is also 馬嘉伶’s(マ・チャリン) birthday.
まちゃりん, Happy birthday to you !
馬 嘉伶
Ma Chia-Ling
Birth date: December 21st, 1996
Birth place: Taiwan
Current Age: 20 years old
Height: 158 cm
Nicknames: Macharin(まちゃりん), Ma sir(馬長官), Chia-Ling(嘉伶)
English name: Alice
Time flies, suddenly, it has been a year since Macharin arrived Japan.
In this year, we saw her sparing no effort in learning how to be a good
idol. Her smile, her tears, her dance, the happiness you feel when you
shake hands with her, are all precious memories that Macharin has brought
to us. She is our beloved idol, undoubtedly.
Now, let’s walk through the path of Macharin’s idol story, the story of
this Taiwanese girl.