mulin (毛絨絨泰迪熊)
2003-08-10 20:33:22※ [本文轉錄自 ALSA-NTU 看板]
作者: suyutin (~~) 看板: ALSA-NTU
標題: [轉貼]來自泰國的一封信
時間: Sat Aug 9 00:35:04 2003
Dear All,
I write to inform you that after considering your responses, we have decided
that the most convenient time for the majority of countries is October 21 -
October 27, 2003. We are aware of the fact that it will be a slightly longer
conference than usual, however we anticipate that the Governing Council
discussions will require extra time. We regret if this date is inconvenient
for some of you, but we must base our decision on the majority.
As for the details of the conference and application form, I shall forward
them to you as soon as they are finalized.
We hope that all of you will be able to attend or at least send an authorized
person(s) to take part in the Governing Council discussions as agreed upon by
all parties in Tokyo with the signing of the Tokyo Agreement which I have
attached hereto.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Caroline Wong
President of ALSA Thailand