zack0103 (zack0103)
2015-06-24 22:56:49原文:
-遊戲的對話裡有新的功能for 控制FPS
“getfps” 看目前的FPS
“setmaxfps #” 單機遊戲裡調整到最大FPS ( # 的範圍 5 到 10000)
“setuifps #” to alter their maximum ui fps.(這應該是適用於多人遊戲)
(# 的範圍 1 到 10000)
-AI會適當的投降 (4.0都要完全清空才肯投降@@)
-玩搶遺跡模式 AI會去搶遺跡
-資源的字型數字修正 不會再閃爍
-玩遊戲時 大廳的開頭改名為 Multiplayer Game
-編輯器中 trigger toggle按鈕 現在出現了
4) Mod Manager
-Upgrading mods should now function for all players.
-Improvements for players with more than 50 published mods.
-Added a commandline argument “FASTVALIDATE"
This will sacrifice smooth animation onthe validation screen in
exchange for greater processing speed (most noticeable for players
with 300+ mods).
-Fixed an infinite loop crash during validation when it's waiting for
something it can’t find.
If you run into an infinite loop, you can hit Ctrl+C to break out of
-Icons for status and type are now displayed next to each mod (along with
help text).
-Status Subscribed is an open scroll icon.
-Status Published is a sealed scroll icon.
-Status Unpublished is a blue feather pen icon.
-Status Legacy Published is a stone tablet icon.
-Type Dataset is a gear icon.
-Type Legacy mod is a broken stone tablet.
-Coming soon: These icons are work in progress towards a filter system.
Once filters are in place, it'll be much easier to understand the icons and
to manage mods. In the interim, you can hover the mouse over the column
headers to get in-game descriptions of the icons.
抱歉沒做過mod有看沒有懂.... 請有翻譯過的補充
4.1之後開房跳窗都會LAG 越改越爛現在跳窗都會當機不能打字有解嗎?
ai變強惹 玩難度難的好像電腦資源不斷增加 4.0不會快攻 也不會增加資源 現在4.1版的 好可怕
作者: qqimiss815 (天天開心) 2015-06-25 19:09:00
感覺1打多時,他們的資源都用不完 源源不絕一直來可能是電腦會用貿易的關係@@??
v5270 (要飛了喔)
2015-06-26 00:08:00我發現一個問題,我打網路連線,只要勾紀錄遊戲,就會當有人也有這問題嗎
3.x的AI就滿正常的 不知道為啥4.0突然變不投降