[情報] 6月3日 Birmingham 新生說明會@公館

作者: bluecat43 (.....)   2014-05-30 18:30:05
時間:2014年6月3日 (二) 14:00
地址:台北市羅斯福路三段302號10樓 (捷運公館4號/台大對面)
聯絡人: Cindy沈小姐 02 -23654111 (需統計人數,請先預約)
Ph.D. in Education (specify in Language & Culture Education)
Beryl 畢業自伯明罕大學教育博士,
在英美加與台灣擁有15年以上專業ESL/EFL英文教學經歷。將提供學生出國前的準備, 並
Beryl is a professional ESL/EFL teacher with 15+ years teaching English
experience in the US, UK, Canada and Taiwan,
who graduated from Birmingham. She can help to talk about improving language
skills before your departure,
the preparation works needed for postgraduate study at Birmingham, and some
common difficulties in study that some Asian students may face and how to avoid these.

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