loveuk (~歲月靜好~現世安穩~)
2014-07-09 17:47:27因為要選學校給代辦9月投,
Year 1
Compulsory modules
Critical Study allows you to design and undertake a small-scale research project related to your own interests in the field of education.
Optional modules
You choose four to five of the following modules.
EAL, language diversity and inclusion: research and theory
EAL, Language Diversity and Inclusion: investigating policy and pedagogy
Directed Study in Education 1 (30cr)
Getting Started: Research Questions and Approaches in Education
Philosophical underpinning of educational research
Science Education: Teaching and Learning
Science Education: Curriculum and Professional Development
Issues in ICT and Education
Learning with Virtual Worlds
Design and Evaluation of Web-based Learning Environments
e-Learning: Principles and Practices
The Practice of Supporting Language Teacher Learning
International Educational Management: Developing Leadership
International Educational Management: Developing Staff for Institutional Improvement
International Educational Management: Developing Financial and Material Resources
International Educational Management: Effective Development of Policies and Plans for Change
The 14-19 Curriculum
Mathematics: Curriculum and Assessment
Special Educational Needs: Principles and Practice
Special Educational Needs: International Perspectives
Developmental Disorders I: Dyslexia and Developmental Coordination Disorder
Developmental Disorders II: Attention Deficit Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Teaching Children with Learning Difficulties
Developmental Disorders in the Early Years
Teaching Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
Learning and Teaching Vocabulary
Grammar Learning and Teaching
Learning and Language in Primary Classrooms
Teacher Education for TESOL
The TESOL curriculum and TESOL change
Assessing Language Learning
Materials Development for TESOL
Language Learning and Teaching with ICT - Online