chihken (8sa6jtxny3)
2019-05-07 00:10:47各位板友好
小弟申請 University of Manchester 的 MSc Marketing
Please note that due to extremely limited places it is unlikely we will be
able to issue any further offers for this programme.
If you would still like your application to be placed on hold and rolled
forward into the next selection round, please respond to this email by Friday
10th May 2019. We will aim to send you a final decision on your application
before 1st June 2019 in line with our decision deadline for Stage 3.
這段話直觀看上去也有點矛盾,不知道是不是 Stage 2 的名額滿了要我等到下階段
不過我其他學校的 unconditional offer 都是在五月中要繳交訂金 (有的已經延長過了)