有一本暢銷書,裡面有一段話 我抄下如下:
Kisshomaru Ueshiba,The Art of Aikido, p69
Differences between Jujutsu and Aikido
Despite the many points in common, it is clear that Aikido is not
Jujutsu from both a technical and philosophical standpoint. The
biggest difference is the shift in perspectve from "actual combat"
to the "perfection of the human character." In other words,
"harmonization between self and others" rather than "survival of
the fittest." Aikido is a system of self-defense, defined in the
widest possible terms, and a complete way of life.
The Founder Morihei was a genius who raised his art from a martial
system of battle to a way of life, a spiritual path. He wanted his
disciples not to fight but to work together, making a great joint
effort to understand the true nature of Aiki. This perfection of
the human character is the first principle of Aikido. In Aikido,
a mind set on victory by any means is not allowed, as it creates
a very bad environment; rather one must learn how to work together
with a partner, in a spirit of mutual protection, and to strive to
demonstrate that harmony when performing the techniques. In Aikido,
we say: "A mind filled with love and harmony is the way of valorous
creativity." This is far beyond the scope of most Jujutsu systems.