Re: [徵男] If you are the one I'm looking for

作者: ee112 (海海人生)   2014-06-08 20:10:49
: 1.your birth year, height/fat rate, and present location:
: you'd describe of yourself:
: 3.what you'd do in your free time:
: 4.your thoughts/preferences about religions and politics:
: 5.the types of book/movie/tv series you like, or favorite ones:
: prefer to be backpackers or involved in group-trips? reasons:
: of your own photo please:
: (I'll send you mine in return if I think we could make friends at least.)
: 8.anything you want to add up, or you want to ask me:
: Thanks for every kind messages in advance.
: Have a nice day/night!
服務一下 看不懂的人士
1.生辰年 身高 體重 跟目前所在地區
2.請描述你自己 就是自我介紹啦
5.喜歡那種型態的書 電影 或 電視節目
6.出國旅行時 想跟團呢?還是自助 ? 請給理由 :
7.附上你的照片 :
 如果我覺得我們能夠當朋友的話 我也會附上我的
8. 其餘隨意發揮 或是你想問我也可以提問 
其實蠻有禮貌的  推一把

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