vancent (新的鄉民XD)
2019-02-10 10:43:36https://i.imgur.com/7HMLqui.jpg
Stay little valentine, Stay, each day is Valentine's day.
一起體驗一個不太一樣的 Jazzy Valentine.
由美國藍帶私廚 Ray Akiyama & Alex Shieh 為大家準備一份充滿著驚喜與愛的餐點;
Valentine’s day has come and gone, but who says that it has to end?
Join us this weekend for another day to celebrate your special someone and sho
w them that everyday can be Valentine’s day.
Wine and dine on some extravagant sushi, and settle down for some romantic jaz
z. Stay, for its still valentine’s day.
活動日期: 2019年2月16日
入場時間:PM 6:30 - PM 23:59
表演開始:PM8:30 - PM10:30
每人入場費:早鳥 $1200 (需在2/12之前完成報名手續)
當日現場入場費: $1800
訂購方式:Facebook 訊息我們!告知人數+電話+大名,我們會給您銀行帳號,轉帳後
注意: 位置有限,只限定25人報名 (本次活動,不提供現場站票)
11. home kitchen