[請益] android 8 nexus 5x picture in picture

作者: cu2bo2 (Welisara)   2017-09-03 21:13:42
遲遲等不到官方的更新通知,就自己下載ota檔sideload update了
Android O brings picture-in-picture support so you can watch YouTube while
hailing a Lyft 這篇文中(https://goo.gl/21QGc1)有提到:
“Picture-in-picture is just one of the handful of new features that come with
Android O today. Compatible devices for the preview include the Nexus 5X,
Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, Pixel, Pixel XL, and Pixel C.”
在設定裡頭也有確定picture in picture有開啟

開了兩個app來測試(hangouts, youtube)
想試驗邊用hangouts邊用picture in picture 看youtube的情景


試過單點、雙點recent, home, back 都失敗
有人有用nexus 5x 試成功嗎?
作者: cody880528 (Summon)   2017-09-03 22:29:00
youtube本來就不行啊 要有youtube red
作者: MotleyCrue (克魯小丑)   2017-09-03 23:49:00
可以來手機板參考我找到的教學喔 6P成功
作者: mainline (OCISLY)   2017-09-04 00:29:00
maps在燉煮中已加了PiP所以你在列表中看得見 但功能還沒開發完成所以用不了Red才能,是能靠自己加PiP鍵繞過 不過一暫停就要回全頁形態才能繼續 也沒有放成背景只剩聲音模式按鈕

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