[徵才] 外商 Avast 誠徵 Android App Developer

作者: dbtsai (DB Tsai)   2014-12-04 12:54:12
Avast 是知名的防毒軟體公司, 我在他們的捷克母公司當過顧問,知道他們那裡待遇和環境不錯.
今天他們 HR 寫信給我,說他們在臺北分公司要找一個資深 Android developer, 請我幫忙代 PO
Avast Mobile team is a great place to continue or start your career.
Every day, many millions of our users are protected by our Android apps.
We are going to reach our from security and address new categories of apps.
We seek for passionate new friends who can help us reach this broad goal.
We develop native Android apps using the latest tools available to Android developers.
We are active participants in world-wide Android community and participate in
making Android development better by open-sourcing some of our tools and libs.
We work in independent and self-organized product teams delivering new features and
enhancements with great cadency. Having many millions of users around the world
reinforces our passion for our apps and requires us to be detail-oriented and to make quality part of
developers’ mindsets.
The engineers would work with our customers from Taiwan and could travel to meet our Mainland China customers as well.
Just get them to contact me on rimalova@avast.com
這裡是 job description
作者: changyuheng (張昱珩)   2014-12-05 00:25:00
作者: world4jason (涼風男孩)   2014-12-05 13:13:00

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