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作者: bill93557063 (bill9355) 看板: movie
標題: [情報] 安妮獎 (Annie Awards)電影類得獎名單
時間: Sun Feb 3 14:04:47 2013
製作類別(電影類) Production Categories
最佳動畫長片 Best Animated Feature
無敵破壞王 Wreck-It Ralph – Walt Disney Animation Studios
最佳動畫短片 Best Animated Short Subject
紙上談情 Paperman – Walt Disney Animation Studios
最佳學生電影 Best Student Film
顛倒生活 Head Over Heels – Timothy Reckart
個人成就類別(電影類) Individual achievement Categories
動畫製作最佳動畫特效 Outstanding Achievement, Animated Effects in an Animated
Andy Hayes, Carl Hooper, David Lipton - Rise of the Guardians – DreamWorks
實景製作最佳動畫特效 Outstanding Achievement, Animated Effects in a Live
Action Production
Jerome Platteaux, John Sigurdson, Ryan Hopkins, Raul Essig, Mark Chataway ‘
The Avengers’ – Industrial Light & Magic
長片製作最佳角色動畫 Outstanding Achievement, Character Animation in a
Feature Production
Travis Knight ‘ParaNorman’ – LAIKA/Focus Features
實景製作最佳角色動畫 Outstanding Achievement, Character Animation in a Live
Action Production
Erik de Boer, Matt Shumway, Brian Wells, Vinayak Pawar, Michael Holzl ‘Life
of Pi - Tiger’ – Rhythm & Hues Studio
動畫長片製作最佳角色設計 Outstanding Achievement, Character Design in an
Animated Feature Production
Heidi Smith ‘ParaNorman’ – LAIKA/Focus Features
動畫長片製作最佳導演 Outstanding Achievement, Directing in an Animated
Feature Production
Rich Moore ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ – Walt Disney Animation Studios
動畫長片製作最佳音樂 Outstanding Achievement, Music in an Animated Feature
Henry Jackman, Skrillex, Adam Young, Matthew Thiessen, Jamie Houston, Yasushi
Akimoto ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ – Walt Disney Animation Studios
動畫長片製作最佳製作設計 Outstanding Achievement, Production Design in an
Animated Feature Production
Steve Pilcher ‘Brave’ – Pixar Animation Studios
動畫長片製作最佳分鏡 Outstanding Achievement, Storyboarding in an Animated
Feature Production
Johanne Matte ‘Rise of the Guardians’ – DreamWorks Animation
動畫長片製作最佳配音 Outstanding Achievement, Voice Acting in an Animated
Feature Production
Alan Tudyk as King Candy ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ – Walt Disney Animation Studios
動畫長片製作最佳寫作 Outstanding Achievement, Writing in an Animated Feature
Phil Johnston, Jennifer Lee - Wreck-It Ralph – Walt Disney Animation Studios
動畫長片製作最佳剪輯 Outstanding Achievement, Editorial in an Animated
Feature Production
Nicholas C. Smith, A.C.E, Robert Grahamjones, A.C.E., David Suther ‘Brave’
– Pixar Animation Studios
詳細提名名單 http://annieawards.org/nominees/#10
資料來自 http://tinyurl.com/apa3jzm