Appendix, laparoscopic appendectomy, grade 2 goblet cell adenocarcinoma
The specimen submitted consists of an appendix measuring 5.7 cm in length and
1.5 and 1 cm in maximal and minimal diameter, in fresh state. Grossly, the
serosa is moderately congested and coated with fibrinopurulent exudate.On
serial section, the lumen is filled with feces and perforation measuring
0.1*0.1cm. Perforation is seen.
No fecal stone is seen in the lumen.
Representative sections are taken and labeled as A1-A3;appendix;B1:margin
Jar:1 S
Surgical Pathology Cancer Case Summary
1.Procedure: Laparoscopic Appendectomy
2.Tumor Site:Proximal half of appendix;Base of appendix involved by tumor
3.Tumor Size
Greatest dimension:0.9 cm; Additional dimensions:0.9 X 0.9 cm
4.Histologic Type: Goblet cell adenocarcinoma
5.Histologic Grade: G2: Moderately differentiated
6.Tumor Extension:
Tumor invades through the muscularis propria into the subserosa or
mesoappendix but does not extend to the serosal surface
Proximal Margin: Involved by invasive carcinoma
8.Lymphovascular Invasion: Present
9.Perineural lnvasion: Present
10.Regional Lymph Nodes: NO lymph nodes submitted
11.Paehologic Stage Classification (pTNM, AJCC 8th Edition)
Primary Tumor (pT)
pT3:Tumor invades through the muscularis propria into the subserosa or
Regional Lymph Nodes (pN)
pNX:Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
12.Ancillary Studies:
Infiltrates of tumor cells with mucus-secreting cells distended with mucin
resembling goblet cells in tubules, clusters or single cells in submucosa,
muscularis propria and focal periappendiceal fat. Chromogranin stain is
positive and synaptophysin stain is focal weak(+).Fibrinopurulent exudate
over serosa is found.
從醫生口中最常見的盲腸炎手術 到現在還頭暈暈的闌尾惡性腫瘤
對於原本歡喜迎接老婆懷孕 到現在將引產 接受術前電腦斷層 及 大腸鏡
希望從現有的資料中 進一步了解現在的情況