cleverme (cleverme)
2016-06-23 18:10:49[每日]
The fire is raging today, so be careful, Aquarius. Try not to be too impulsive
in your actions. Your natural tendency may be to lash out against others with
out really thinking about the consequences. If you find yourself getting hot u
nder the collar, you might need to take a step back from the situation and set
tle down. Pursue your goals, but make sure that you don't do so at the expense
of others.
You may be feeling slightly more tongue-tied than usual, with the current aspe
ct at play, but don't let it stop you from letting your partner know about the
deepening sense of commitment that you wish to bring to the relationship. Thi
s needs some talking through if you are seriously considering making the arran
gement become more permanent. Don't allow yourselves to be too pessimistic; ot
herwise you may not go ahead.
There is a powerful movement in your workplace today and if you don't get on t
he bandwagon, you may be left behind. Don't scoff at the idea just because you
would rather stick to what is familiar and comfortable. Risks taken today wil
l pay off.