ntbi (口屋~)
2019-04-06 23:01:27When a problem arises, you like to resolve it immediately. Waiting may seem fo
olish. In addition to being efficient, acting immediately relieves you of the
burden of worrying. But sometimes, Aquarius, it is best to take a wait-and-see
approach to a problem. That may be the best way for you right now. You may fi
nd that the problem will resolve itself, or that help from somewhere will mate
rialize, making this much easier to deal with. You may also find that you don'
t have a problem after all, but a blessing in disguise. Wait and see.
出現問題時,你希望立即解決問題。 等待可能看起來很愚蠢。 除了有效率之外,立即行
動可以減輕您擔心的負擔。 但有時候,水瓶座,最好對問題採取觀望態度。 這對你來說
可能是最好的方式。 您可能會發現問題會自行解決,或者從某個地方會帶來幫助,這使
得處理起來更加容易。 你可能因禍得福,發現其實完全沒有問題。 拭目以待吧!。