A certain obligation has become a burden in your life, Aquarius, even though i
t may have started out as a joyful arrangement. You may feel obligated to cont
inue, even though it could be taking up time that you know you could better sp
end on something else that does appeal to you or something that you need. If y
ou have fulfilled your obligation, it is time to speak up. If you have not yet
done so, make it your mission to bring your obligation to a close, and be cle
ar about it. Something better awaits.
某種義務已成為你生活中的負擔,水瓶座,儘管當初它是一種快樂的安排。 您可能覺得
的東西上。 如果你已履行了你的義務,現在是時後大聲說出來。 如果您尚未完成,請完
成它,並明確表達義務已完成。 更好的事物正在等待你。