ntbi (口屋~)
2019-05-01 19:59:36You may feel that something isn't going your way. Where you once had very high
hopes, you may now feel hopeless. That isn't like you, Aquarius. You are a gl
ass-half-full kind of person, or at least you aspire to be. You know the value
in thinking positive, but when something you have worked hard for that is dee
ply personal and meaningful to you does not work out - despite your best effor
ts - it can be demoralizing. When that happens, though, you have to take anoth
er train of thought. If this didn't work out, it is probably making space for
something better that will.
您可能會覺得某些事情不順利。 你曾經有過很高的希望,你現在可能會感到絕望。 那不
像你,水瓶座。 你是一個樂觀的人,或者至少你渴望成為那樣的人。 你知道積極思考的
大的努力,但它可能會令人沮喪。 但是,當發生這種情況時,你必須採取另一種思路。