ntbi (口屋~)
2019-05-07 09:27:24To err is human; to forgive divine. But you don't really have to be divine to
forgive someone, Aquarius. Someone who wronged you - perhaps recently or perha
ps even a long time ago, may be wishing for your forgiveness, but you have bee
n holding back from offering it. Maybe you think you aren't capable, but you a
re. Try to recognize that you are both only human. And most importantly, you n
eed to see that forgiving someone will also set you free.
人非聖賢孰能無過。 但你真的不必神聖地原諒別人,水瓶座。 冤枉你的人 - 也許是最
近或者甚至很久以前 - 可能會希望得到你的寬恕,但是你一直拒絕提供。 也許你認為你
沒有能力,但你可以的。 試著暸解到你們都只是人類。 最重要的是,你需要看到寬恕某