ntbi (口屋~)
2019-05-15 19:52:11For vegans who don't drink cow's milk, or for those who are lactose intolerant
, there are other options available. For example, if someone wants cream in th
eir coffee, but they can't drink regular milk, they can choose from healthy al
ternatives like soy or almond milk. It might take some adjustment to get used
to the taste, but one can get used to that change. Similarly, there may be som
ething in your life or in your career now that isn't working for you, Aquarius
, but there are many other good options around. All you need to do is look aro
und with an open mind. Start exploring.
對於不喝牛奶的素食者或乳糖不耐症的人,他們還有其他選擇。 例如,如果有人想要咖
啡加奶油,但他們不能喝普通牛奶,他們可以選擇健康的替代品,如豆漿或杏仁奶。 雖
然可能需要一些調整才能適應味道,但人們可以習慣這種變化。 同樣地,在你的生活中
您需要做的就是以開放的心態環顧四周。 開始探索吧。