You may believe that if a goal does not work out as planned, it will turn ever
ything upside down and it will be upsetting. You may think you have strategize
d well and that everything is covered and should go a certain way. But even if
it doesn't, Aquarius, that's no reason to be disappointed. Sometimes, when th
ings don't go the way we expect, we get to learn and experience things that mi
ght never have been possible if the plan had been perfect. Consider yourself l
ucky if you face a detour.
煩意亂。 您可能認為自己已經制定了相應的戰略,並顧慮到所有狀況,且應該採取某種
方式。 但即使不這樣,水瓶座,也沒有理由感到失望。 有時,當事情沒有按照我們期望
的方式發展時,我們可以學習和體驗一件事—沒有一件事是可以被完美計劃。 如果你面