[情報] 2019/05/27 The Daily Horoscope

作者: ntbi (口屋~)   2019-05-27 10:03:38
Something you say in the heat of anger may reflect what you are feeling at the
moment but might not capture the pure truth that you feel after you've had ti
me to study the bigger picture. That's why it is usually very wise to cool dow
n before reacting and saying anything you might later regret. You may have sai
d something recently while intoxicated by anger, Aquarius; however, you may fe
el differently now. Ask for forgiveness. Explain yourself. You can't unsay thi
ngs you already said, but you can certainly apologize.
局後所感受到的純粹真理。 這就是為什麼在做出反應並說出後來可能會後悔的事情前冷
靜下來通常是明智之舉。 你可能最近在憤怒的時候說了些什麼,水瓶座。 但是,你現在
可能會有不同的感受。 請求寬恕。 解釋一下自己。 你不可能收回已經說過的話,但你
作者: topaz4587 (Topaz)   2019-05-28 01:29:00

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