ntbi (口屋~)
2019-06-01 22:30:59A big opportunity often looks quite ordinary on the surface. It might even be
something you could easily pass by if you were no aware. Such a chance may be
circulating in your world right now, Aquarius. If your aren't open to what
the universe is showing you, though, you could miss this wonderful but brief
window of opportunity. So, tune in to what it is you want so much, and look
for signs that this chance is there for you. And when you see it, leap for
it. It may not last long.
的東西。 這樣的機會現在可能在你的世界流轉,水瓶座。 但是,如果你不開放接受宇宙
西,並尋找這個機會給你的提示。當你發現它時,不顧一切抓住它吧。 機會稍縱即逝。