ntbi (口屋~)
2019-06-19 09:20:11Have you ever wandered into a fancy shop or boutique where everything was beau
tifully displayed? There may be classical or mood music playing. Maybe there i
s a luscious scent emanating from luxurious candles or incense. It puts you in
to the mood to buy something extravagant. Then you take a look at the price ta
gs, and they are exorbitant. But because of the setting, many people would ass
ume that the items were worth the high prices. The same can be said for the va
lue you place on yourself, Aquarius. Others will value you if you show that yo
u value yourself. Keep that in mind today. It's all about the presentation.
你有沒有徘徊在一個精美的商店或精品店,一切都被精美的展示? 也可能播放有古典或
情調音樂。 也許從豪華的蠟燭或焚香中散發出一股甜美的香味。 它讓你有興趣購買奢侈
的東西。 然後你看看價格標籤,它們是過高的。 但由於環境的影響,許多人會認為這些
物品值得高價。 水瓶座,對你自己的價值也是如此。 如果你表明自己重視自己的價值,
其他人會重視你。 今天記住這一點。 這完全是關於包裝。