[情報] 2019/06/25 The Daily Horoscope

作者: ntbi (口屋~)   2019-06-25 09:08:28
You may be thinking about taking a risk with a new opportunity, Aquarius. It w
ould certainly be easier to make that decision if someone was urging you to go
for it. That way, if it was someone else's idea, you wouldn't have to feel li
ke you were to blame if the venture failed. Making this decision on your own f
orces you to take responsibility for any failures. But then again, it also mea
ns you can take full credit for success. The stars advise you to be courageous
. You are more likely to be successful than to fail.
你可能正在考慮承擔新的機會所帶來的風險,水瓶座。 如果有人敦促你去做,那肯定會
更容易做出決定。 這樣,如果這是別人的想法,如果風險投資失敗,你就不會覺得自己
應該受到責備。 做出這個決定會迫使你對任何失敗負責。 但話說回來,這也意味著你可
以獲得成功的全部功勞。 星星們建議你要勇敢。 你更有可能成功而不是失敗。
作者: hllaigary (骸玄)   2019-06-25 16:54:00
作者: lfswg (向光性)   2019-06-25 17:51:00
作者: spongfan (spongfan)   2019-06-25 21:58:00
作者: meiqu5210 (meiqu5210)   2019-06-25 22:31:00
哈 真的剛好符合我最近的狀況耶

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