A drama may begin unfolding in your life this week, Aquarius. And while you may want to disappear in an effort to avoid it, you could inevitably be drawn into the center of it anyway. This may not involve you directly, but your opinions and wisdom are highly valued and others may desperately seek out your perspective and insight. Be generous and stick around to help others find a way to find harmony in a chaotic situation. A friendship that hasn't been the same lately could be rekindled this week.
Although there may not be any trouble between you and a certain special person in your life, you may feel that the relationship just isn't as vibrant, fun, and rewarding as it used to be. A chance meeting or perhaps this person's name coming up in conversation could spur you to reconnect and rebuild what you once had. If this is possible, this would be an exciting and valuable way to bring this person back into your life and vice versa. There is much to be gained and valued in this bond. On the weekend,
try to take it easy if you can. Catch up on old business and clear off your desk or your to-do list by Friday so that you can relax to your heart's content during the weekend.