ntbi (口屋~)
2019-07-25 09:14:56You may have been so enthusiastic and so happily overwhelmed by the positive p
rospects of a new opportunity that you only saw the upside of it. But the more
you explore, Aquarius, the more you may begin to realize that this is not the
perfect situation. Then again, nothing is ever truly perfect. Those things th
at have a positive, hopeful quality also have elements that are not ideal. It'
s up to you to weigh the pros and cons and to make your decision accordingly.
你可能非常熱衷,並且被一個新機會的積極前景所震撼,你只能看到它的好處。 但是你
越是探索,水瓶座,你就會越開始意識到這不是完美的情況。 再說一次,沒有什麼是真
正完美的。 那些具有積極,令人充滿希望的特性的東西也有不理想的元素。 一切都取決