Drink plenty of water in order to keep your system properly hydrated, Aquarius
. Water is the most important part of your diet, and it's likely that you aren
't drinking nearly enough. You are highly sensitive today so taking care of yo
urself is the best thing you can do. Otherwise you might act emotional and too
easily manipulated. Distance yourself from people who try to suck this life f
orce from you.
水瓶座,要喝大量的水來保持身體系統有適當的水分。 水是飲食中最重要的部分,而你
你們今天非常的敏感,因此照顧自己是你們可以做的最好的事情。 否則,你們可能會比
較情緒化並且太容易被操縱。 請試圖從你們身上汲取生命力的人們保持距離。