[情報] 5/31 The Daily Horoscope

作者: md9tbagel (豬油饅頭)   2014-05-31 17:26:28
Aries horoscope for May, 31, 2014
A seemingly insignificant event from the last few months
- perhaps a chance meeting or an opportunity that was casually mentioned to you
- will soon turn out to be very important to you, Aries.
Even if you think hard,you may not figure out what it might be,
but once it comes up again, it will probably seem obvious.
This is a good thing, though, and something you should look forward to.
It could change the path of your life,
and bring you something you have long wanted.
So if you're feeling a bit melancholy right now,
hold close the knowledge of this hopeful event.
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作者: sweetww (yayachen)   2014-05-31 17:56:00
作者: yychuan (小紅馬溜溜車)   2014-05-31 18:14:00
作者: Goodwhite (好白大叔)   2014-05-31 18:50:00
作者: idismd (S.W.)   2014-05-31 19:34:00
作者: petestar (酥酥麻麻。小派皮)   2014-05-31 21:18:00
謝謝您的翻譯 覺得很感動呢 國外的運勢往後12-24小時看OK
作者: st1327 (創)   2014-05-31 22:37:00
推 推 推!!!!
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