Re: [情報] The Daily Horoscope版 2014年度運勢

作者: nuageblanc (Gabrielle)   2014-06-25 00:45:19
※ 引述《qi3qi3 (最好的時光在路上)》之銘言:
: 這篇是m大日更的The Daily Horoscope版本的2014年度運勢
: 今天才看到,內容很振奮(愛情啊~~撒小花~~)
: 查了一下版上應該沒有 特別翻譯一下~跟大家分享
: Ps.我對翻譯很有興趣,如果有翻譯的不好或是有更好的翻譯 歡迎指教^^
: (家庭和工作的我晚點補上)
: The Ram is a bold, courageous, and powerful animal, and you, Aries, embody
: those traits as well. You are agile, active, and fast-moving - both mentally
: and physically. You have an incredible and seemingly endless wellspring of
: energy and spirit, and when you are into something, your enthusiasm is
: contagious. You are creative, popular, and confident, and you inspire trust
: in others because of your strong character and other impressive traits. While
: your fiery nature enhances your ambitious streak, it can at times put other
: people off. But deep down you are tender and compassionate, and nurturing
: that side of yourself will help to keep you in balance.
: 羊兒是勇敢、大膽、強而有力的動物,牡羊座的你同樣擁有這些特質。
: 不管在生理或心理上,你都是敏捷、主動、快速的。
: 你有不可思議、源源不絕的精力;而當你全心投入某件事,你的熱情會傳染。
: 你是有創意的、受歡迎的、有自信的;別人會因為你強烈人格特質
: 和其他讓人印象深刻的特色而對你感到信賴。
: 雖然熱烈的個性會讓你更有野心,但有時候也會把人嚇跑。
: 你其實是溫和、有同情心的,加強這部份的人格特質會讓你維持平衡。
: love
: You have been in a phase of growth and evolution for a few years now, Aries,
: and this year you will finally begin to see the rewards of all you have been
: through. This will be especially noticeable in your love life. In the past
: you struggled with your more intimate relationships. Always wanting to
: present a strong and unimpeachable front, you often found it hard to reveal
: your deepest feelings. But experiences of the last few years have shown you
: that you need to be more vulnerable if you want truly strong, close, and
: lasting bond. You must continue to be open to what the cosmos is teaching
: you, and as you learn you will find that your romantic (as well as your
: other) relationships will flourish. This year, those in committed unions will
: feel some of the excitement you felt when your love was new, and your bond
: will be closer than ever. For single Aries people, you have finally learned
: what to look for in a potential mate, and your search could be quite
: successful by the time August rolls around. Many Aries folks might experience
: romance in unexpected and surprising places - especially involving travel and
: community-related gatherings.
: 愛情
: 最近幾年你一直處在成長與演進的階段。
: 好消息是,羊兒啊!終於在今年!
: 你會開始見到你經歷的一切所帶來的獎勵,這點在你的愛情生活中尤其明顯。
: 過去的你在親密關係中不斷掙扎,你總是表現得很堅強、無可挑剔,
: 結果卻發現自己很難對別人表達內心深處的感受。
: 過去幾年讓你學會如果想要有一段親密、堅定、長久的關係,
: 你必須要試著敞開你柔軟的內在。
: 以開放的心態面對宇宙教你的課題,去學習,
: 你會發現你的親密關係(和其他的關係)會越來越好。
: 已經有伴侶的羊兒,會重新感受到熱戀期般熱情,
: 和伴侶間的連結也會變得前所未有的親密。
: 至於單身的羊兒,你終於了解什麼樣的對象才適合你。
: 今年八月左右,你非常有機會發展出新的戀情

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