Out with the old and in with the new. It is time to try something radically
different in your life, Aries. Whatever important area of your life wasn't
working can be set right if you just try a new approach. You can make a huge
difference for yourself by opening your mind to new ways and a big
world of new possibilities. Don't get stuck in what has been your habit
or pattern, or you may be left discontented for quite some time. Embrace
change and pour yourself into it. When you start to shake things up,
you will breathe new life into your present.
只要你換個方法處理 你應該都能搞定 那些之前不甚理想但卻重要事情,
昨天也是說羊不順阿巴拉巴拉的 就懶得翻>< 看了心情也差XDD