Nov 1 2014
Have you lost confidence in yourself, Aries? People who don't know you well
might think that's a preposterous thought. After all, you so often appear to
have a certain swagger and assertiveness that shouts confidence. However,
sometimes you just know how to put on a good act. Someone in your life hasn't
seemed to appreciate you fully, and because of this you have come to see
yourself in a certain way. It isn't you, though - you need to consider the
source. You are every bit as wonderful as you ever were, and anyone who
doesn't see that doesn't deserve you in their life.
你 - 但你必須去思考這個源頭。你的每一部分永遠都是那麼棒,那些看不到的人不值得
Nov 2 22014
An argument may arise out of miscommunication. Someone might believe that you
don't understand their perspective. You are a pretty smart person, Aries, but
no one has unlimited knowledge, and it's hard to know how someone else feels
inside. However, if you have done your best to try to understand, and you
aren't getting clear direction on what you might be missing, then what more
can you do?
Ask for straightforward enlightenment, or simply refuse to argue. You don't
need that kind of stress.