Re: [情報] 2/2 Aries - Daily horoscope

作者: croon (隨興哼唱)   2015-02-01 18:39:06
※ 引述《PayYungG (Lead with your heart)》之銘言:
: A temporary separation from a love partner might have you in a very gloomy
: mood, Aries. Attempts to reach your friend by phone might prove fruitless.
: You might grow more and more frustrated and angry. There isn't much you can
: do other than leave messages. Don't let your insecurity get the best of you.
: Find something else to do until your friend has a chance to call. Better late
: than never.
: 和愛人短暫的分開可能讓羊羊陷入低氣壓。嘗試找朋友訴苦或許會有幫助。
: 羊羊會變得越來越挫折和憤怒。除了留下訊息之外,沒有太多可以做的。
: 別讓你的不安感壞了最好的你。直到你的朋友們的關心到來之前,找些事情做吧
: 來的晚,總比都不來的好。

作者: Goodwhite (好白大叔)   2015-02-01 23:05:00
作者: npcfoursell (吉重≠打到)   2015-02-02 01:01:00
拍 沙灘一定要選旗津嗎?XD
作者: fang29 (芳小蝶)   2015-02-02 03:26:00
旗津的沙灘越來越短了啊QQ 拍拍

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