Any weight you've been feeling pushing down on your shoulders lightens conside
rably today. There's a buoyant energy shining all around you, and it's lifting
your cares away. Personal worries or anxiety start to fade away as you realiz
e that right now, you only have to take on as much as you'd like to. You can c
hoose to have a less stressful experience. Encourage this feeling of empowerme
nt by trying something new.
Jump back onstage and say your peace, Aries. Your active participation in the
conversation of today is critical to maintaining a healthy energy flow. The th
ings you say to others will have a profound effect, so choose your words caref
ully. Enjoy a physical activity that involves a group. Make it a social event.
Be an active participant in all the situations you encounter.
Mars brings out your competitive side and you begin to see a way to make what
failed work for you and your close ones. You may have to make some sort of an
apology to get one particular close one back on side though. Do it sooner rath
er than later for success.