seed2501 (Polar Bear)
2015-01-15 21:28:38"JsCIN" Java Script Chinese Input Method 中文輸入法
A Chinese Input Method Environment implemented in 100%
Java Script, which is primarily used as a Chrome Extension
for ChromeOS but also can be used for web pages and other
Java Script based systems.
JsCIN allows installation of input methods by using the
well-known XCIN ".cin" or GCIN ".gtab" format tables,
including array30/changjei/phonetics/... . Nacl modules
are also supported (ex, libchewing).
To have a try, use ChromeOS or Chrome browser to search
for "JsCIN" in Chrome Webstore:
已經有內建行列三十輸入法,所以如果是使用 Chrome OS 或者是
Chrome 瀏覽器的人可以測試看看。