[情報] 《狂舞摯愛》電影特映會(新竹)

作者: OscarJeff (藝術與城市)   2017-05-12 12:15:10
"La Danseuse" Hsinchu Special Screening
時間 Time/
2017/05/12(五) 20:00
地點 Venue/
江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/近城隍廟)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St.,
Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple)
票價 Ticket/
主辦單位 Organized by/
江山藝改所 Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo
合辦單位 Co-organized by/
佳映娛樂 Joint Entertainment
關於影片 About The Film/
●《狂舞摯愛 La Danseuse》
★ 坎城影展 一種注目單元 口碑爆棚
★ 「法國奧斯卡」凱薩獎5項大獎提名:最佳首部電影、最佳新進女演員、最佳女配角、
。她是十九世紀現代舞先驅,洛伊富勒(Loie Fuller)。
世譽為「現代舞之母」的伊莎朵拉鄧肯(Isadora Duncan)前來學藝,讓洛伊心生動搖。
Born in the American Midwest, nothing in her background destined farm girl
Loie Fuller to become the toast of Europe’s Belle Epoque cabarets, even less
to dance at the Paris Opera.
Hidden behind metres of silk, her arms extended by long wooden rods, Loie
reinvents her body on stage and enthralls her audiences a little more every
night with her revolutionary Serpentine dance.
Dazzling the capital, she becomes an icon, the blazing symbol of a
generation. Eminent admirers fall at her feet: Toulouse-Lautrec, the Lumiere
Brothers, Rodin. Even if the physical effort risks destroying her back, even
if the glare of the stage lights sears her eyes, she will never falter in the
quest to perfect her art. But her meeting with Isadora Duncan – a young
prodigy hungry for glory – will lead to the downfall of this icon of the
early 20th century…
The remarkable destiny of a modern woman who revolutionized her era.
預告片 Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbVVkCFJlPo

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