erickin (阿更)
2014-03-30 02:18:19錦織圭因為左鼠蹊傷患退賽,可惜了。
"Very sorry to say that I have to pull out today. Very disappointed and I am
obviously very sorry for any fans that wanted to come out for this match.
This tournament is very special to me and look forward to coming back in the
years to come. I will work with my medical team to be back healthy as soon as
※ 引述《erickin (阿更)》之銘言:
: Men's Singles Quarter-final:
: (20) 錦織圭 (JPN) def. (5) R. Federer (SUI) 36 75 64
: 錦織圭三盤反勝兩屆冠軍Federer,這也是兩人三度交手中小圭第二次獲勝!
: 四強他將碰上二號種子Djokovic。
: Women's Singles Quarer-final:
: (2) 李娜 (CHN) def. (11) C. Wozniacki (DEN) 75 75
: 之前四度栽在邁阿密八強的李娜終於突圍成功!
: 李娜兩盤都是在對手拿到五局時然後大爆氣,
: 第一盤李娜領先4-1後被連追4局落後4-5,最後連拿三局拿下首盤;
: 第二盤李娜則以3-5落後,後來連拿4局結束比賽。
: 李娜下一輪又要和西部娃交手,兩人今年之前交手兩次,
: 李娜在澳網決賽直落二贏,兩週前的印地安泉八強則打了三盤才贏!
: 這是兩人生涯第七次交手,之前六次李娜全勝。
: ※ 引述《erickin (阿更)》之銘言:
: : Men's Singles 3rd round:
: : (1) R. Nadal (ESP) def. D. Istomin (UZB) 61 60
: : (20) 錦織圭 (JPN) def. (15) G. Dimitrov (BUL) 76(1) 75
: : Men's Singles 4th Round:
: : (20) 錦織圭 (JPN) def. (4) D. Ferrer (ESP) 76(7) 26 76(9)
: : 小圭救了四記賽點擊敗去年亞軍Ferrer,生涯首度晉級邁阿密八強!
: : 八強對手是兩屆冠軍Federer。
: : Women's Singles 3rd round:
: : (2) 李娜 (CHN) def. M. Keys (USA) 76(3) 63
: : Women's Singles 4th round:
: : (2) 李娜 (CHN) def. (15) C. Navarro (ESP) 60 62
: : 李娜輕鬆晉級八強,八強對手是前球后Caroline Wozniacki,
: : 後者最近兩場狀態非常好,兩場都各只讓對手拿下一局。