最近 Linux 有個叫做 PipeWire 的東西終於要一統 Linux 音訊亂象,
她的特性有如低延遲,同時支援以前用 Jack 與 PulseAudio 的程式,
由於我是個木耳,耳機都是接在 PC 主機板的音訊出口,不曉得好壞,
P.S. 如果用 USB DAC 的前輩們在 Linux 5.16 版本推出時可以試試
他最新的低延遲 USB 音訊播放,不過現在 Arch Linux 還在 5.14,
PipeWire is a project that aims to greatly improve handling
of audio and video under Linux. It provides a low-latency,
graph based processing engine on top of audio and video
devices that can be used to support the use cases currently
handled by both pulseaudio and JACK. PipeWire was designed
with a powerful security model that makes interacting with
audio and video devices from containerized applications easy,
with supporting Flatpak applications being the primary goal.
Alongside Wayland and Flatpak we expect PipeWire to provide
a core building block for the future of Linux application development.
*Capture and playback of audio and video with minimal latency.
*Real-time Multimedia processing on audio and video.
*Multiprocess architecture to let applications share multimedia content.
*Seamless support for PulseAudio, JACK, ALSA and GStreamer applications.
*Sandboxed applications support. See Flatpak for more info.