: → jhs1213: 話說netflix好像把atmos混了一個2聲道音軌(沉浸式音效) 02/04 15:27
The tech is powered by Sennheiser’s Ambeo 2-Channel Spatial Audio, which
splits an original mix into two channels of audio that deliver a spatial
experience beyond stereo. AMBEO enhances stereo audio without the need for
surround sound speakers or home equipment, but according to Netflix, its
spatial audio feature is primarily optimised for laptops and tablets. Results
and quality will also vary depending on your home viewing gear, though.
立體聲或 Dolby Atmos
如果您有環繞音響,建議您以 5.1 環繞音效或 Dolby Atmos 觀賞節目與電影。
多數單件式音響都支援 5.1 或 Dolby Atmos,且預設會以這些格式播放。 部分單件式立
體音響會以 Netflix 沉浸式音效播放。 詳情請洽單件式音響製造商。
大致上是這樣吧! 我也還沒有認真去重新體驗到底有何差別 XDD