Re: [閒聊] ANA可能投資Skymark?A380用於國內線?

作者: cassine (Savannah)   2014-09-03 23:32:58
: 英文版看得好累,也看不太懂
: 1. 全日空和SKYMARK不可能合併
: 2. 全日空有資金、Skymark有羽田slot
: 3. A380 ANA會用來飛日本國內線,800人up.......
: 但內文提到羽田空港目前操作A380是有問題的?
: 還是指羽田空港若開始操作A380,國外航空公司也會要求比照辦理
: 日本政府不想羽田空港開放A380操作嗎?
: (LH、EK、AF、TG、SQ、KE、OZ......等)
: 4. 日本下一代新政府専用機777-300ER的整備是委託ANA
: 還有日本的民族性......有點看不懂。
: 好像是你們兩家盡量談,不要落入外人手中,日本政府會給甜頭
The Japanese government is likely to bless an ANA-Skymark partnership in
these circumstances
日本政府在下列情形之一時,可能會認真思考支持 ANA-Skymark合作案
Should ANA and Skymark agree to terms, the arrangement would likely have the
blessing of Japan's government, for a a number of reasons.
就算 ANA與 Skymark達成協議,這個協議也需要日本政府背書才算數,原因如下

(i) Nationalism – Tokyo is likely to prefer an outcome that keeps Skymark
under as much Japanese ownership as possible, although like most countries,
Japan does not permit majority foreign ownership of domestic airlines. Japan
has welcomed a number of foreign-backed LCCs but these do not operate out of
Haneda; they are seen as providing growth, mainly in the leisure sector.
Japan under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is taking a nationalist view across the
country on an assortment of matters.
民族主義-東京當局希望盡可能讓 Skymark留在日本人的手中,畢竟日本政府不

(ii) ANA is the favoured airline at present – JAL may have been the flag
carrier and very symbol of "Japan Inc." for decades but its spectacular
bankruptcy and government bail-out was contentious, and the new government
has used the previous government's intervention in JAL as a point of
differentiation. One indication: in a head to head contest, ANA in 2013
secured more Haneda slots than JAL. Symbolically too, the contract to provide
maintenance for the Japanese government's future aircraft was switched from
JAL to ANA. (Although it should be noted that these new government aircraft
will be 777s, a type which ANA will fly well into next decade whereas JAL is
shifting to 787s and A350s.)
ANA 是目前呼聲最高的業者-儘管 JAL曾是日本的國旗航空(flag carrier),但
一度破產並接受日本政府紓困的紀錄對其不利。現任政府將前任政府對 JAL的干
預當作是一個分水嶺,在王見王的捉對廝殺中,2013年度 ANA分配到羽田機場起
降的時間帶比 JAL還來的多,同時日本政府也將下一代行政專機的維修合約包給
ANA一事也具有象徵意義。(誠然,因為下一代的行政專機是B777,恰好是 ANA
接下來數十年間的主力機型, JAL則打算以B787加上A350作為其主力機型)
(iii) A JAL bid would be difficult – ANA is Japan's largest airline,
domestic and international, and partnering with Skymark could further skew
the market. ANA in FY2013 (the year to 31-Mar-2014) flew 49% of the seats in
the market while JAL and subsidiary JTA flew 32% and Skymark was
third-largest with 8%. JAL is unlikely to acquire Skymark. It has a
conservative domestic strategy that ultimately sees a reduction in size. A
possible bid from JAL could meet resistance, as for example ANA could argue
JAL would be using a financial position "unfairly" obtained through its
government-supported restructuring.
JAL 缺乏加入競標的籌碼- ANA目前無論是在國際線或是國內線上,都是日本最
大的航空業者,與 Skymark合作後將進一步壟斷整個市場。在2013會計年度,
ANA獨占了國內線市場 49%的座位數, JAL與其子公司 JTA只有 32%, Skymark
則有8%。 JAL收購 Skymark的可能性並不高,其保守的國內線策略最後換來的是
市占率的下滑。假如 JAL真的出手,也可能面臨 ANA可能指責其以政府資金進行
(iv) ANA is still seeking redress – ANA has heavily lobbied against what it
sees as JAL's unfair advantage obtained through government-back
restructuring. ANA has said its greater allocation of Tokyo Haneda slots is
fair as it helps address JAL's advantage. ANA could argue that being allowed
to partner with Skymark would further level the playing field (as ANA sees
ANA 還在等待補償-對於 JAL接受日本政府注資重整, ANA近來大力遊說日本政
府應該對於 JAL因此取得不公平的優勢一事給予 ANA補償。 ANA曾主張分配到更
多羽田機場時間帶有助於緩和 JAL的優勢,但 ANA也可能進一步主張與 Skymark
作者: chewie (北極熊)   2014-09-03 23:37:00
作者: ibbbm (Taiwan)   2014-09-04 15:27:00
英文真的是重要啊 感謝重點!

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