[分享] 聯合航空發給所有會員的信

作者: yodi ( )   2017-04-28 15:06:02
今天就在 UA 與 David Tao 和解後,
UA 立刻發信給所有的會員, (我跟家裡的其他成員都收到了~)
標題是: Actions Speak Louder than Words
Each flight you take with us represents an important promise we make to you,
our customer. It's not simply that we make sure you reach your destination
safely and on time, but also that you will be treated with the highest level
of service and the deepest sense of dignity and respect.
Earlier this month, we broke that trust when a passenger was forcibly removed
from one of our planes. We can never say we are sorry enough for what
occurred, but we also know meaningful actions will speak louder than words.
For the past several weeks, we have been urgently working to answer two
questions: How did this happen, and how can we do our best to ensure this
never happens again?
It happened because our corporate policies were placed ahead of our shared
values. Our procedures got in the way of our employees doing what they know
is right.
Fixing that problem starts now with changing how we fly, serve and respect
our customers. This is a turning point for all of us here at United – and as
CEO, it's my responsibility to make sure that we learn from this experience
and redouble our efforts to put our customers at the center of everything we
That’s why we announced that we will no longer ask law enforcement to remove
customers from a flight and customers will not be required to give up their
seat once on board – except in matters of safety or security.
We also know that despite our best efforts, when things don’t go the way
they should, we need to be there for you to make things right. There are
several new ways we’re going to do just that.
We will increase incentives for voluntary rebooking up to $10,000 and will be
eliminating the red tape on permanently lost bags with a new
"no-questions-asked" $1,500 reimbursement policy. We will also be rolling out
a new app for our employees that will enable them to provide on-the-spot
goodwill gestures in the form of miles, travel credit and other amenities
when your experience with us misses the mark. You can learn more about these
commitments and many other changes at hub.united.com.
While these actions are important, I have found myself reflecting more
broadly on the role we play and the responsibilities we have to you and the
communities we serve.
I believe we must go further in redefining what United's corporate
citizenship looks like in our society. You can and ought to expect more from
us, and we intend to live up to those higher expectations in the way we
embody social responsibility and civic leadership everywhere we operate. I
hope you will see that pledge express itself in our actions going forward, of
which these initial, though important, changes are merely a first step.
Our goal should be nothing less than to make you truly proud to say, "I fly
Ultimately, the measure of our success is your satisfaction and the past
several weeks have moved us to go further than ever before in elevating your
experience with us. I know our 87,000 employees have taken this message to
heart, and they are as energized as ever to fulfill our promise to serve you
better with each flight and earn the trust you’ve given us.
We are working harder than ever for the privilege to serve you and I know we
will be stronger, better and the customer-focused airline you expect and
With Great Gratitude,
Oscar Munoz
Oscar Munoz
United Airlines
1. 若遇到需要旅客下機的情形, 不會再請求法律部門(航警)支援。
2. 自願更改航班的賠償金額, 最高額度提升到 1萬鎂。
3. 若旅客行李遺失, 不問原因, 直接先賠償 1500鎂。
4. 終極目標: 旅客可以大聲地講出: I fly United. XDDD
作者: TllDA (踢打)   2017-04-28 15:13:00
3有點屌! 最便宜的票也適用?
作者: vhygdih (ATJ)   2017-04-28 15:15:00
第三點 最有誠意
作者: ypltw (南極洲)   2017-04-28 15:16:00
我也有收到 希望UA能痛改前非!
作者: azuel (Observer)   2017-04-28 15:21:00
Actions (拖人出去打) Speak Louder than Words (這封信)
作者: flywater   2017-04-28 15:29:00
最高賠償怎麼不直接喊到100萬鎂 反正也加不到啊
作者: azuel (Observer)   2017-04-28 15:31:00
procedures got in the way of... what they know is right不對,人員實際上是"利用程序"來"達成他們的利益"這不是點狀事件,只是把企業文化暴露出來的引爆點而已
作者: tobbywolf (tbl)   2017-04-28 15:46:00
看實際行動再說吧 按照常理這不是一下就能改好的事情
作者: ShauEn (What Can I Do)   2017-04-28 16:02:00
作者: shay001 (shay090)   2017-04-28 16:05:00
作者: cka   2017-04-28 16:20:00
1萬鎂是50USDX200 張折價券嗎
作者: azuel (Observer)   2017-04-28 16:27:00
揍了你一次,附贈再讓你上來被揍兩百次的機會嗎 xD
作者: kenting666 (晴朗)   2017-04-28 16:27:00
I fly United = 試膽大會
作者: iqeqicq (南無警察大菩薩)   2017-04-28 16:40:00
作者: michaelgodtw (可愛書生寶寶)   2017-04-28 16:51:00
ua 是常掉行李嗎?大家不要嚇我
作者: yuaso (yuaso)   2017-04-28 17:12:00
作者: chataulait (牛奶貓)   2017-04-28 17:21:00
下次大家沒聽到一萬鎂都不放棄 XD
作者: atriple (請逐項修改)   2017-04-28 17:24:00
作者: wx190 (空。)   2017-04-28 17:49:00
500面額 總價值10000鎂的折價券 限期使用
作者: countryair (countryair)   2017-04-28 18:11:00
作者: miaomiao35 (整個星群無人不病)   2017-04-28 18:43:00
作者: Kyosuke (嚄咬阿雷雷咬阿雷)   2017-04-28 18:48:00
與其跟你嘴巴喊價, 不如直接動手的概念 w
作者: choper (天痕·偽喬巴)   2017-04-28 18:53:00
最好不要又是抵用券這種鬼玩意 話都不說清的
作者: mykorianda   2017-04-28 20:33:00
作者: hunchisin (iouiou)   2017-04-28 20:51:00
作者: mukuro (把夢變為現實)   2017-04-28 21:20:00
作者: kay16victor   2017-04-28 21:43:00
except in matters of safety or security.
作者: jyue (jyue)   2017-04-28 21:53:00
作者: kuter (卡特)   2017-04-28 22:58:00
一封信就想賭乘客嘴? 呵
作者: notemdkc27 (kc27)   2017-04-28 23:05:00
看到某frequent flyer fb寫和解金額1.4億usd
作者: ms0545173 (小影)   2017-04-28 23:57:00
聯航誰不拉 拉一個醫師 賠死剛好而已
作者: gottsuan (ごっつぁんです)   2017-04-29 00:36:00
作者: AdPiG ( )   2017-04-29 01:01:00
對阿給500coupon跟10000 coupon有差嗎
作者: happyennovy (喵)   2017-04-29 08:07:00
該不會送折價券吧... 那也沒屁用啊...我以前都搭 UA 的... 要不是 Delta 里程難用我就逃了XD
作者: QuentinHu (囧興)   2017-04-29 12:11:00
當初給800美金不要,給什麼鬼折價券,現在要賠175000倍,還有難以計算的品牌形象損失。該大方的時候就要大方一點,cost down也要知道該有極限
作者: siberia (釘子要打進去啦!!)   2017-04-29 23:42:00
USA today有一頁也是

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