Phuket Airport Runway 09 closed for repairs
"PIA officials say that the cracks are a result of the increased traffic
during the tourism high season and the recent surge during Chinese New
Phuket Gazette好像是當地的地方媒體
More than 130 Phuket flights retimed due to urgent runway repairs
"Airports officials said the cracks were caused by an increase in
traffic during the tourist high season and the recent surge in airline
traffic during the Chinese New Year."
這篇來源說是The Straits Times,新加坡的老牌報紙
134 Flights Rescheduled As Thailand Airport Runway Cracks
"Chancharoen blamed heavy air traffic during the high tourism season for
wear and tear on the runway, while the Tourism Authority of Thailand
estimated that 300,000 tourists travelled from China on Feb. 16 for
Lunar New Year alone."
這家似乎是登記在奈及利亞的新興(?)媒體,來源寫"Our Correspondents",不知道是該
※ 引述《scabox (我是盒盒)》之銘言:
: 推 MidtermGG: 大量飛機就大量飛機 扯中客到底是要幹麻... 02/27 00:46
: 噓 flew: 自由的水準... 02/27 00:54
: → cityport: 香港有東網..台灣有豬油 02/27 01:29
: 推 cyberpoli: 航班也是該國核准的啊 02/27 03:56
: 推 taninita: 這也能扯 02/27 04:57
: 噓 flyiii: 目田越來越爛了,不對,應該說從來沒好過 02/27 07:46
: → MeowDeLay: 桃機表示: 以後跑道破損有理由了! 02/27 07:50
: 噓 imsasage: 這水準... 02/27 08:23
: 推 rocketben: 中國人是世界毒瘤沒錯,但這個就太牽拖了 02/27 08:43
: 推 crazypeo45: 中客:跑道不夠耐用怪我嘍 02/27 08:52
: 噓 Maxxiswow: 覺醒最愛的自冉時報不意外 02/27 09:15
: 推 xvited945: 下一篇:中國大媽體重太重導致跑道塌陷 02/27 10:22
: 推 sj4: 飛機多到跑道可以裂了也是好事吧 02/27 11:07
: → hschplay: 綠媒看到中國就高潮了 02/27 11:31
: 推 Tamama56: 自由不意外 02/27 11:56
: 推 atriple: 春節期間每日中客量可由總中客量除以天數來估計,由所得 02/27 13:03
: → atriple: 結果可發現中國遊客是普吉島機場的大宗。 02/27 13:03
: 噓 lin1993815: 廢物目田 02/27 14:34
: 噓 neweb: 桃機不也常常裂,再說中客呀 02/27 14:35
: 推 airflow: breakingnews無誤 02/27 15:54
: 噓 jay1089: 豬油已經沒有恥度 02/27 17:25
: → hwusuenn: 所以載中客的飛機比較重......... 02/27 17:58