第49、50頁有提到Column cutout switch,
On all Boeing 737 models, column cutout switches interrupt stabilizer commands
, either from the auto-flight system (e.g. FCC) or the electric trim switches
in a direction opposite to elevator command. On the Boeing 737NG and Boeing 73
7 MAX, two column cutout switching modules, one for each control column, are
actuated when the control columns are pushed or pulled away from zero (hands o
ff) column position. When actuated, the column cutout switching modules interr
upt the electrical signals to the stabilizer trim motor that are in opposition
to the elevator command.
The MCAS function requires the stabilizer to move nose down in opposition to t
he column commands when approaching high angles of attack. To accommodate MCAS
, the column cutout function in the first officer’s switching module was modi
fied to inhibit the aft column cutout switch while MCAS is active, allowing ai
rcraft nose-down (AND) stabilizer motion with aircraft nose-up (ANU) column in
put. Once MCAS is no longer active, the normal column cutout function in the s
tabilizer nose down direction is re-instated.
看起來是左駕、右駕被MCAS 影響程度不同。
但第197頁的文字卻又看起來是只要MCAS作動,Column Cutout switch就會被inhibit, 沒
To incorporate MCAS, the basic column cutout function had to be inhibited duri
ng the MCAS activation. Pulling back on the column normally interrupts any ele
ctric stabilizer aircraft nose-down command, but for the MAX with MCAS operati
ng, that control column cutout function is disabled.
因此也是左鴐飛行電腦的Speed Trim System 在運作,也就吃左側AOA inputs.
但整個歷程紀錄並非如此,不論是Captain或FO拉捍子, MCAS就是可以作動。
prussian (prussian)
2019-10-30 14:54:00就報告看起來column cutoff 不是一個實體switch 而是一個 function,位在 switching module 裡,輸入是control column的操作,輸出是 cutoff ap或馬達用途是讓機師的操作蓋過其他控制但是 mcas 為了要搶控制權(<-敏感詞)強迫壓低機頭,會停止 column cutout的作用,mcas作用時拉桿是沒有用的,必須照 runaway stablizer 直接斷開 stab trim, 手動轉沈重的輪子