媒體名稱 路透
新聞日期 2020/05/26
(Reuters) - LATAM Airlines Group SA (LTM.SN) filed for U.S. bankruptcy protect
ion on Tuesday, becoming the largest carrier to seek an emergency reorganizati
on amid the coronavirus crisis.
Latin America's largest airline follows rival Avianca Holdings AVT_p.CN of Col
ombia in seeking U.S. bankruptcy protection.
But unlike Avianca, Chile's LATAM posted profits for four consecutive years to
taling more than $700 million. It had recently approved a dividend payment.
LATAM laid off 1,800 employees out of over 40,000 in the lead-up to its bankru
ptcy filing.
"We have implemented a series of difficult measures to mitigate the impact of
this unprecedented industry disruption, but ultimately this path represents th
e best option," CEO Roberto Alvo said in a statement regarding the filing.
LATAM is an instantly recognizable brand for South Americans, dominating inter
national air travel in the region, as well as a leading domestic flight operat
or in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Ecuador.
Carriers in Latin America have sought bailouts to no avail so far, unlike riva
ls in the United States and Europe.
LATAM will continue to fly while it is in bankruptcy protection. Its affiliate
s in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay were not included in the Chapter 11 filing
In Brazil, LATAM for weeks has been negotiating a bailout of up to 2 billion r
eais ($367.45 million) that has yet to materialize.
If negotiations are successful, it could provide a lifeline to LATAM's largest
Chile has so far declined to help LATAM.
LATAM said it had secured funding from major shareholders, including the Cueto
family which controls the airline through various companies, the Amaro family
and Qatar Airways, to provide up to $900 million to support operations throug
h its bankruptcy reorganization.
Delta Air Lines Inc (DAL.N) last year paid $1.9 billion for a 20% stake during
better times for the industry.
"To the extent permitted by law, the group would welcome other shareholders in
terested in participating in this process to provide additional financing," th
e airline said, adding it had about $1.3 billion in cash on hand.
LATAM said that as of Tuesday it had $7.6 billion in debt, including $460 mill
ion in loans tied to its Brazilian subsidiary which is not part of the bankrup
tcy process.
The airline was downgraded by S&P and Fitch on Friday after the company confir
med it did not pay interest and principal on three tranches of 2015 $1 billion
worth of debt tied to the financing of new aircraft purchases.
Oneworld 和 AA:還好我退了......
作者: whitecross (白色十字架) 2020-05-26 20:28:00
gregyeh (點數秘奧義全開)
2020-05-26 21:29:00DL強娶完才發現新娘得了新冠肺炎XD
AuroraSky (長煙一空 皓月千里)
2020-05-26 21:38:00似乎很多人把破產保護和破產劃上等號,但在營運層面,這兩者有很大的差異
windalso (windalso)
2020-05-26 22:14:00LATAM餐食很悲劇r
jk189 (掃地憎-法號兩津)
2020-05-26 22:43:00當年的JAL表示:反正很多集團跟大企業都經歷過破產保護,大部分都回得來,回不來就成為歷史而已
cchris (cruising Panama Canal)
2020-05-27 02:41:00是破產保護,不是破產;標題請改一下
作者: linbryan (bryan ) 2020-05-27 06:30:00
台灣人民永遠不懂chap 11 和 chap 13 有什不同.反正酸就是
s8321414 (冥王歐西里斯)
2020-05-27 08:22:00企業用的通常應該是Chapter 11跟Chapter 7?......
天合最接近破產的應該就...Alitalia吧(嗯,這家又上榜了)。美國破產法比較常用的好像有Chapter 7、11和13而且在美國,企業和個人破產和破產保護好像十分常見(誤)。印象中Chapter 11好像是最常用的而且限制較低、Chapter 13門檻較高而Chapter 7則是清算。一旦宣告破產保護之後公司會嘗試協商重整計畫,協商失敗的話就走清算程序。(不太確定這樣解釋是否正確)
又不是美國人幹嘛要懂美國人 這麼懂來跟大家分享嘛懂美國法
prussian (prussian)
2020-05-27 12:19:00感謝樓上示範, 人家早都分享了還無視只會酸
要懂對方的定義才能知道問題在哪裡 要不然跟對岸常酸的井蛙有什麼不同? 廠廠
acomp (clarity)
2020-05-27 17:36:00Delta 剛取消4架LATAM二手A350訂單.寧可付6200萬鎂違約金
達美十多年前也是有破產保護之類的過這種事情對於很吃金流的航空業還不算少見 但是通常是有人願意投資之後或是被其他公司整併就恢復正常不過這種全球一起慘的狀況下就很難講了
deens (okina)
2020-05-28 10:32:00其實也是破產啊,只是法律上的名詞跟一般人的認知不同,在台灣比較類似重整。若回到台灣公司法,資不抵債就破產了,除非申請重整(類似破產保護)。所以說破產也不能說錯,只是不符合樓上各位的想法。
cppwu (肩膀痠痛 ..)
2020-05-28 12:38:00把破產和結業分開看就不會有問題了
公司能不能付出錢 公司淨值是不是正 其實是兩回事其實這問題很複雜 搞不清楚的人也很多
acomp (clarity)
2020-05-28 14:54:00美國前幾大(UA,DL,AA,CO,US)911後都曾破產重整(chapter 11)這次SWA狀況目前看來還好. Alaska和JetBlue未來可能整併
cheee ( 會看到我的名字了 冏)
2020-05-30 02:17:00天合的AZ不是已經不只一次了 (?