BDSM 同樂會主奴拍賣日-私人聚會/Kinki Festival

作者: supi0517 (BDSM同樂會)   2018-07-01 13:36:12
【BDSM 同樂會主奴拍賣日-私人聚會/Kinki Festival Master & Slave Auction Day】
1. 想要被拍賣或被競標者(僅限女性),請填寫報名表單,報名會在7/15截止(聚會單
2. 想參與聚會的同好,請先匯款,再填寫報名表單,報名與匯款會在7/15截止:
郵局代號 700ꀠ帳號0041688-0051562

[email protected]
聚會時間:13:30~17:30 【進場時間】13:30-14:00 (為使遊戲進行順利,報名朋友逾時
聚會場地費:1200/人 【無優惠價】
◎符合尊重、安全、 知情、同意 之原則,能獨立自律行為。

Kinki Festival friendly reminders: The theme of each event is only a guidance
for you, we welcome every BDSM lovers to join our party! Please don’t be rest
ricted by the theme, as long as you follow the ‘safe, sane and consensual’ (
SSC) or ‘Risk Aware Consensual Kink’ (RACK) principles.
Dominant, have you ever imagine stand on the stage as an item, being observed
by Slave and Submissive? Submissive, have you ever imagine being cuffed and bl
inded as an item, and being owned by an unknown person for the rest of your ev
ening? Those who never participated in an auction, or those who want to buy Ma
sters and slaves, what are you waiting for? Come and join our party!
Auction rules will be explained before the auction starts, so please be on tim
e! This is a private event, all participates must fill in the application form
and must make a remittance in advance.
The fees for this event will be 1200 NTD, with only 50 tickets limited, which
requires transferring fees in advance. (Exclude those who want to participate
as auction items who do not require any fees)
There are two ways to participate in the event:
1. For those female who want to participate in the auction to be sold as an it
em (organizers have the right to select), please fill in the application form,
application will close on 15th July:
2. For those who want to participate in the event itself, please pay in advanc
ed remittance, then fill in the application form, which will all be close on 1
5th July:
Step 1. Payment method:
Post Office Code: 700 ; Account: 0041688-0051562
Step 2. After you succeed in your transaction, please fill in the application
form, which will require the following 4 details:
Name, date of transaction, Name of the bank, last 5 digit of your account and
your email address.
Step 3. Send the above 5 details to our official email address:
[email protected]
Step 4. We will send a confirmation email once you succeed in the progress, yo
u will need that confirmation email for the entry on the day. (If there are mo
re than 50 people applying, it will be decided by the date of the transaction,
those unsuccessful in the progress will be returned with full amount)
→●Activity Information●←
Date: 2018/07/28 (Sat.)
Time: 13:30~17:30
(please arrive before 14:00, or you will not be allowed into the avenue)
Fees: 1200 NTD/ person (no discount)
Location: Ln. 194, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104
(1 min. walk from Nanjing Fuxing MRT station exit 3)
◎only for people over 18【please bring your ID with you (any ID that shows yo
ur birthdate)】
◎who are self independent, respectful, consented to join the party and follow
◎Please read carefully and consent to the list of【precautions】before enteri
ng the venue.
→→→●Activity details●←←←
◎This is a private auction party
◎It is a BDSM-friendly space, but no props will be provided by the organiser,
please bring your own if you prefer.
【To be able to provide a comfortable space for everyone, please observe the f
ollowing rules!】
※ It is a BDSM-friendly space, but no props will be provided by the organiser
, please bring your own if you prefer.
◎In order to maintain a stress-free environment, DO NOT take photos or videos
throughout the entire activity.
◎DO NOT bring food or drinks with you.
◎Please keep your voice down
◎It is a non-smoking venue, smoke on the ground floor if you have to. Please
put your cigarette into the ashtray when you finish smoking. In order not to c
ause any inconvenience for the neighbours and the venue provider, please keep
your voice down when you chat outside the venue.
◎DO NOT bring pets with you
◎If you are interested in other people’s outlook or props, please ask for pe
rmission before touching or using them. Please maintain a friendly and respect
ful attitude.
◎If you feel offended, please directly refuse.
◎If staff members found out any dangerous interactions during the party, they
have the right to intervene and stop further engagements.
◎If there are any illegal activities such as take drugs or assault and batter
y, staff members will request them to leave, and blacklist them from future ac
◎Parties after this activity are private and we do not take responsibility wh
atsoever, please watch out for your own safety.
◎If it is necessary to change date due to weather or venue issues, it will be
posted on the website notice board.
【The organisers are entitled to the right to reject any customer who broke th
e rules to the venue, please follow the rules above】
【If you have any further queries,ꀠlike our official FB page: @bdsmkinkifesti
val or find us on, message us and we will
answer them as soon as possible. 】

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