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作者: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu) 看板: NBA
標題: [情報] 拓荒者對總管Neil Olshey展開調查
時間: Sat Nov 6 15:37:34 2021
Sources: The Portland Trail Blazers and owner Jody Allen have launched an
investigation into president of basketball operations Neil Olshey, hiring a
firm to probe alleged workplace misconduct.
調查現任總管Neil Olshey在工作場合的不當行為
Yahoo Sources: Portland Trail Blazers launch investigation into GM Neil
Olshey with staffers alleging a 10-year toxic hostile work environment of
intimidation, public profanity-laced tirades, mental anguish, among other
bullying tactics.
根據另外一名記者Chris Haynes報導
有不少員工指控Neil Olshey在職場中
有恐嚇 公然污辱 精神折磨 霸凌等有毒行為