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作者: s27052705 (0.0) 看板: NBA
標題: [情報] 拓荒者炒掉Neil Olshey
時間: Sat Dec 4 01:14:14 2021
The Portland Trail Blazers have fired Neil Olshey, ending his 10-year run as the
GM and president of basketball operations, league sources tell
拓荒者解僱Neil Olshey,結束了他10年GM和籃球營運總裁的任期
Portland Trail Blazers have released statement, saying investigation founded tha
t Neil Olshey violated the team’s “Code of Conduct.” Joe Cronin has been prom
oted to interim GM.
經調查發現Neil Olshey違反球隊行為準則
Joe Cronin已經被晉升為臨時GM