181212《2018 MAMA FANS' CHOICE in JAPAN》
https://youtu.be/TWLrdyJk31k 1080p
http://tv.naver.com/v/4761702 1080p
https://goo.gl/AXN2Sb 1080i (G碟) cr.ZardEXC @ Twitter
https://youtu.be/z659jgI1nHE 中字 cr.Pathfinder
https://goo.gl/p1vu4X cr.WNS防彈黃暴團
https://youtu.be/U8rYMcx61eM 媒體 cr.STARK
https://youtu.be/Gkg5dvsRtG0 Highlights (00'24開始)
獲獎 - Favorite Music Video〈IDOL〉
https://youtu.be/1KUjNWYb2Oo 720p cr.KimiKimi Chan
https://youtu.be/U6dI3ZPatIQ 中字 cr.Pathfinder
獲獎 - Worldwide Fans' Choice TOP10
https://goo.gl/YKHQDF 開場 cr.ZardEXC @ Twitter
https://youtu.be/hnitAPPZLcg 720p
https://youtu.be/NiMiOafJhVw 中字 cr.Pathfinder
獲獎 - Favorite Dance Artist Male
https://youtu.be/OpzCTeP84eU 1080p
https://youtu.be/7jHA2Lb2YLE 中字 cr.Pathfinder
表演 - FAKE LOVE + Anpanman
https://youtu.be/bRe2mN_70fM 1080p Intro Perf.
http://tv.naver.com/v/4763316 1080p
https://youtu.be/dU3zQNdKp80 1080p FAKE LOVE
http://tv.naver.com/v/4763534 1080p
https://youtu.be/gT0Fo-30X_U 1080p Anpanman
http://tv.naver.com/v/4763601 1080p
https://youtu.be/xOJYoM8ypI4 1080p FAKE LOVE + Anpanman
https://goo.gl/Xu6CWB 1080i (G碟) cr.ZardEXC @ Twitter
https://youtu.be/S-r0S86kh1E 飯拍 FAKE LOVE cr.DH S
https://youtu.be/z7enjTzBy-c 飯拍 Anpanman cr.DH S
獲獎 - 大賞:Worldwide Icon of The Year
https://youtu.be/wR5161CArjg 1080p
https://youtu.be/kCLmPRRRfz8 中字 cr.Pathfinder
https://youtu.be/UAZskEE1FuM 飯拍 cr.DH S
https://youtu.be/4Iq6riLa1hs 1080p
http://tv.naver.com/v/4763633 1080p
https://youtu.be/lJ-UPE2_-k4 1080p Finale Self Camera
https://youtu.be/q9I5IWdt40A 飯拍 cr.DH S
https://youtu.be/18xc8Om7npo 1080p
http://sendanywhe.re/WYPRP0CJ TS檔 (Send Anywhere) cr.nabinunaya @ Twitter
https://goo.gl/43bM4E 1080i (G碟) cr.ZardEXC @ Twitter
https://goo.gl/smZj1M 中字 cr.WNS防彈黃暴團
後台採訪 - Thank You Stage
https://youtu.be/5BCLYtbyyHU 1080p
https://youtu.be/uC7_lsDTHtQ 中字 cr.Pathfinder
https://goo.gl/eW9CSc cr.WNS防彈黃暴團
Reaction to IZ*ONE
https://youtu.be/EMSS0Tcd9yk 1080p
cr.2018 MAMA @ NAVER TV . Mnet K-POP / M2 / BANGTAN Awards / MYWINGS @ YouTube