[新聞] 懷孕婦女建議側睡以降低死胎風險

作者: bluetree0224 (幸福快樂的每一天願爲主,)   2017-11-21 07:21:31
Women advised to sleep on side to help prevent stillbirth
Women are being advised to sleep on their side in the last three months of pre
gnancy to help prevent stillbirth.
A study of just over 1,000 women found the risk doubles if women go to sleep o
n their backs in the third trimester.
The study looked into 291 pregnancies that ended in stillbirth and 735 women w
ho had a live birth.
Researchers say the position which women fall asleep in is most important - an
d they should not worry if they are on their back when they wake up.
About one in 225 pregnancies in the UK ends in stillbirth and the study author
s estimate that about 130 babies' lives a year could be saved if women went to
sleep on their side.
(The MiNESS study, published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaeco
logy (BJOG) is the biggest of its kind, and confirms findings from smaller stu
dies in New Zealand and Australia.)
Is waking up on your back a problem?
Prof Alexander Heazell, clinical director at the Tommy's Stillbirth Research C
entre at St Mary's Hospital in Manchester, who led the research, advises women
in their third trimester to sleep on their side for any episode of sleep, inc
luding daytime naps.
"What I don't want is for women to wake up flat on their back and think 'oh my
goodness I've done something awful to my baby'.
"The question that we asked was very specifically what position people went to
sleep in and that's important as you spend longer in that position than you d
o in any other.
"And also you can't do anything about the position that you wake up in but you
can do something about the position you go to sleep."
line break
Tips for going to sleep on your side
Put a pillow or pillows behind your back to encourage side-sleeping
If you wake during the night, check your position and go back to sleep on your
Pay the same attention to sleep position during the day as you would during th
e night
If you wake on your back during the night, don't worry, just roll on to your s
The study didn't find a difference in risk between right or left side
作者: syndrome1028   2017-11-21 14:06:00

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