aracian (arabian-c)
2019-05-14 21:51:25Xyzal During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Byr. Amos Grunebaum, MD
Updated on March 25, 2019
eneric Name: Levocetirizine
Indications: Antihistamine prescribed for perennial (year-round) allergies, seasonal allergies and skin-related symptoms of allergies, including hives and itching. May be prescribed off-label for other conditions.FDA Drug Category: B
Summary Recommendations: Xyzal is prescribed to patients with year-round or seasonal allergies. Thisllergy medicationan be prescribed to patients as young as six months old, in the case of year-round allergies. There are no reports of negative side effects in pregnant women or fetuses, thus theregnancy drug category B.
General Precautions: Patients with a known allergy to Zyrtec (cetirizine), drugs containing levocetirizine or cetirizine should not take Xyzal. Xyzal is contraindicated in patients with end-stage kidney disease and/or patients on dialysis. Patients with any stage of kidney disease or liver disease should consult a physician about possible side effects before taking Xyzal.
Children absorb twice the amount of Xyzal as adults so proper dosing is imperative for child-safety. Never give a child more than the prescribed dose of Xyzal. If allergy symptoms do not improve or if a fever develops, contact your physician immediately.
Symptoms reported in patients taking Xyzal include fatigue, weakness, dry mouth and weight gain. More serious, but less frequently reported, symptoms include hearing problems, nosebleeds, difficulty urinating and agitation. If you feel you are experiencing serious side effects contact your physician.
Effects Whilerying to Conceive: Animal studies delivered doses 25 times higher than therapeutic doses in humans with no negative effect on male or female fertility.
Effects on Pregnancy: Xyzal is in therug category B, according to the FDA. Doses in excess of 320 times that prescribed to humans showed no negative effects,regnancy complicationsr fetal complications. Human studies on the effect of Xyzal during pregnancy have not been completed. As is the case with all prescription and over-the-counter medication, Xyzal should only be used during pregnancy when absolutely necessary. Discuss any concerns about taking the drug during pregnancy with your doctor.
Safe During Breastfeeding: There are no reports of negative side effects in infants at small doses of Xyzal. Larger doses may be associated with infant drowsiness or lethargy. There are also reports of reduced milk supply in women taking larger doses of Xyzal. About 10% of mothers interviewed reported infant irritability after breastfeeding. Another 1.6% reported infant lethargy.
Antihistamines may reduceerum prolactin levels. This could affectilk production, leaving thereastfeedingmother with diminishedilk supplieswhen taking drugs like Xyzal.
※ 引述《bunny0402 (Bunny)》之銘言:
: 生完大寶一年多之後
: 莫名其妙全身癢但沒疹子
: 看診才發現已經是慢性蕁麻疹
: 過了兩年都無法停藥
: 現在都是每晚一顆「驅異樂」
: 因為懷孕的關係有詢問過醫生用藥安全的問題
: 醫生說懷孕沒什麼影響
: 但是免疫科醫生說這個藥不能餵母奶!
: 可能要換別的藥或直接類固醇T_T
: 產檢的時候也再詢問婦產科醫生
: 他看了一下我的藥名後
: 跟我說可以吃啦沒問題!
: ㄜ......我腦問號不知道該聽誰的說法
: 我還問醫生說搞不好我生完體質又變了
: 病也許就好了也說不定耶
: 醫生直接回我不要想太多了
: 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚
: 有沒有也是慢性蕁麻疹的媽咪
: 在哺乳期間有用驅異樂
: 或是有換成哪一種藥是同樣效果的呢?
: 想參考參考
: 先謝謝大家了!