Re: [外電] A-Rod 禁賽 162 場

作者: wen33chen (ben)   2014-01-12 01:22:21
Alex Rodriguez Statement on Decision of 162 game ban
“The number of games sadly comes as no surprise, as the deck has been stacked
against me from day one. This is one man’s decision, that was not put before
a fair and impartial jury, does not involve me having failed a single drug
test, is at odds with the facts and is inconsistent with the terms of the
Joint Drug Agreement and the Basic Agreement, and relies on testimony and
documents that would never have been allowed in any court in the
United States because they are false and wholly unreliable. This injustice
is MLB’s first step toward abolishing guaranteed contracts in the 2016
bargaining round, instituting lifetime bans for single violations of drug
policy, and further insulating its corrupt investigative program from any
variety defense by accused players, or any variety of objective review.
I have been clear that I did not use performance enhancing substances as
alleged in the notice of discipline, or violate the Basic Agreement or the
Joint Drug Agreement in any manner, and in order to prove it I will take this
fight to federal court. I am confident that when a Federal Judge reviews the
entirety of the record, the hearsay testimony of a criminal whose own records
demonstrate that he dealt drugs to minors, and the lack of credible evidence
put forth by MLB, that the judge will find that the panel blatantly
disregarded the law and facts, and will overturn the suspension. No player
should have to go through what I have been dealing with, and I am exhausting
all options to ensure not only that I get justice, but that players’
contracts and rights are protected through the next round of bargaining,
and that the MLB investigation and arbitration process cannot be used against
others in the future the way it is currently being used to unjustly punish me.
I will continue to work hard to get back on the field and help the Yankees
achieve the ultimate goal of winning another championship. I want to sincerely
thank my family, all of my friends, and of course the fans and many of my
fellow MLB players for the incredible support I received throughout this
entire ordeal."
作者: ilove1530 (台東池上戶彩)   2014-01-12 01:25:00
恩恩 我也這樣想
作者: james4807   2014-01-12 01:33:00
作者: kevin77605   2014-01-12 01:36:00
我是a-rod的話 我也氣死了 絕對上訴到底
作者: john3212 (醬3212)   2014-01-12 01:36:00
作者: KAKU29 (會怕就好郭勇志)   2014-01-12 01:40:00
感謝原po標重點 只要看懂這一句就夠了
作者: cooljoe1985 (台灣水電工)   2014-01-12 01:40:00
話說法院可以判阿肉不用禁賽? 還是判MLB官方行為瑕疵
作者: nobeldd (情緒上的完人)   2014-01-12 01:44:00
若法院判可以出賽 聯盟判不能出賽 那洋基讓不讓他出賽??
作者: z83420123 (VoLTsRiNe)   2014-01-12 01:46:00
他是大檸檬球隊 當然無法出賽阿~
作者: nobeldd (情緒上的完人)   2014-01-12 01:46:00
他是要出賽呢?? 還是要禁賽呢?? 非常痛苦
作者: ImKSW (ImKSW)   2014-01-12 01:59:00
作者: sdiaa (桂綸鎂)   2014-01-12 02:44:00
作者: KeeperOf7Key (七把鑰匙的主人)   2014-01-12 08:24:00
作者: daniel90260 (~逸風~)   2014-01-12 08:33:00
他早就承認過了 現在是官方沒抓到又硬要欉康他好嗎
作者: johntw (johntw)   2014-01-12 08:56:00
作者: x147159357 (Solomon)   2014-01-12 09:30:00
作者: x147159357 (Solomon)   2014-01-12 09:31:00
作者: x147159357 (Solomon)   2014-01-12 09:32:00
作者: x147159357 (Solomon)   2014-01-12 09:35:00
作者: Beltre (Adrian Beltre )   2014-01-12 09:39:00
A-Rod: 我季後賽打成這樣你還說我有用 庵不吞!
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2014-01-12 09:53:00
禁是一回事 禁162場又是另一回事按標準跟其他人一樣第一次抓到50場他搞不好早就吞了
作者: x147159357 (Solomon)   2014-01-12 10:03:00
作者: x147159357 (Solomon)   2014-01-12 10:04:00
作者: LoveFood (食在愛玩)   2014-01-12 11:56:00

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